History of perversion

lunes, 31 de mayo de 2010

Once upon a time, i thought i could do anything i wanted to, then i woke up, from my everlasthing dream, since the day i was born, i learnd to think that, everything that you imagine can be done, ANYTHING, work hard, make a double effort, then you can have it, but my now missing parents never told me that making an effort was so horribly hard, the only thing they told me was to go ahead, only run for the first place, don't let anything get in the way, but don't make the others trip and fall, just run, run for the clean win, run for your believes.

The road it's filled with traps, and some bloddy bastards, they can slow you down, they usually try, my mystake is that i have let them, lose the perspective, give up my effort my place, my future, my dreams and hopes, try to lose weight to run faster, but i only lost the most important thing that i used to have, well done boy, well done, that's the only thing i can say to calm my nerves, you do whatever you can to stay alive, but i know it's a lie, and a pretty bad one too...

Well here i am, running for my life, from all the shadows that haunt me, relentlessly, furiously, they know, holly shit, they know, and they will not forget, and my worst enemy, are not them, my worst enemy has no name, has no face, has no soul, and don't even have the ussual thirst for revenge, it's that clock, tickink without mercy, and it keeps talking to my ear, a gently whisper, just tellin' you're running out of time... Shit, i'm fucked, and i'm not trying to be rude, i'm trying to make myself clear... I know what i have to do, i know what to say, but the word refuse to come out of my mouth and my soul don't let me execute the plan, is easyer to say what to do, than do what's necessary...

Now i ran out of gas, i'm in the middle of nowhere, yellin', screaming, asking for forgiveness, but now it's to late, the worst has already happen, and i'm forced to accept that it's my fault. Too late says that little shadow, the only one that is alive, after the slaughter, peace will come, 'cause there's no one else to remember me that, the peace comes with a very high price, maybe it's not even a price, it's a piece of myself, lost forever, along with the memorys of my know long lost parents and friends.

I always thought i was one of the good guys, shame on me, but nobody stop me, shame on you, and last for not least, you, and all of them, all of the rest, society some might say (that's a term to poor for me, i think i prefered to call them, herd), it's your fault, too succesfull, too big, too organized, never thought in the unimanigable, 'cause you were all too tamed, poor dumb bastards, you forgot about it, about the real human nature, a pack of savages, so tamed that the one who speaks out load it's condemned to be forgotten, and to be taken out of the herd. Now i'm running, lost all of what's left of me and the herd, lost all conection, lost what some people call humanity, i called it, domination of the masses, really all of you had forgotten, humanity it's nothing but an invention, a bad joke, maybe the day i die, i'll understand it, i have to keep runnin', i have to stay alive, before some of the members of the herd find me, and try to destroy my dissident ass...

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